Other cultures, on the other hand, are much more open to talking about their problems with others, particularly with a professional. Farber, Berano, and Capobianco (2004) suggest that Western cultures tend to hold positive views of self-disclosure due, in part, to the influence of the Catholic Church, "which not only stresses the importance of confessing one's sins but also requires it for absolution". (p.340).
Furthermore, some cultures, like this CNN article suggests, may view psychotherapy as a necessary aspect of self-care. In fact, according to this article, some folks may even feel that those individuals who have not been in therapy are at a disadvantage.
While psychotherapy may not be the right choice for everyone, I tend to agree with Modesto Alonso, an Argentinian psychologist sited in this article, that therapy can be a way "not only to cure emotional and psychological illnesses, but also...to develop oneself as a person, with a greater quality of life".