Not only does this site appear to regularly attack celebrities for looking overweight, but they offer what appears to be "starvation tips of the day" to its readers. Needless to say, sites like these are such a tremendous disservice to young women, who grow up hating themselves and their bodies, in part, for not being able to live up to the standards that they might see in the media.
Some recent studies have suggested that people with certain eating disorders may have perceptual errors when regarding their own bodies--meaning that they literally see their bodies differently than they really appear. Is it possible that these perceptual errors spread to these individuals' view of other people's bodies as well? Or is the attachment to these destructive behaviors and perhaps the sense of control that they may provide so strong that these poor folks will do anything to propagate them?
It is a real shame that just when the media is beginning to depict relatively-healthier looking bodies, by publicizing pictures that are not airbrushed and choosing healthier looking models, we see this backlash of eating disordered women demonizing healthy eating behaviors and shaming individuals with relatively-healthy bodies.